Monday, February 21, 2011

~♥♥Something about life♥♥~

Posted by Ibu anak 3, Isteri Khairuddin at 1:56 AM 0 comments

Waa.. long time no see yaa!! After finish my internship... I'm forgot about this page.. huhu... but today I dunt know how it's make me want continue write this page... Ermm.. Maybe it's make me want to share about my story with others people... huhuhu~ It's not interesting story but I like tell and story about life.. not just my life but other people including my family, friends, and so on.... I know maybe my story make people boring~ but I want write and tell everyone what I want and doing...
Wana share my story wih u guys...
sometimes.. I'm feel my life is have something wrong and make me always think about my life... how it's can make sure that my future life is ok and better then now... huhu so scary~ how about being graduate... I's maybe enjoy and hepy.. but me did not thing like this but always have negative thinking.. huhuhu (>_<)v

But I'm also like dreaming... Erm.. so sweet like in that pic... huhu so cute that little child... Erm.. how about if my life did not perfect like I want!! I know that nobody perfect.. but sometimes we must have a dream... huhu

Monday, February 21, 2011

~♥♥Something about life♥♥~


Waa.. long time no see yaa!! After finish my internship... I'm forgot about this page.. huhu... but today I dunt know how it's make me want continue write this page... Ermm.. Maybe it's make me want to share about my story with others people... huhuhu~ It's not interesting story but I like tell and story about life.. not just my life but other people including my family, friends, and so on.... I know maybe my story make people boring~ but I want write and tell everyone what I want and doing...
Wana share my story wih u guys...
sometimes.. I'm feel my life is have something wrong and make me always think about my life... how it's can make sure that my future life is ok and better then now... huhu so scary~ how about being graduate... I's maybe enjoy and hepy.. but me did not thing like this but always have negative thinking.. huhuhu (>_<)v

But I'm also like dreaming... Erm.. so sweet like in that pic... huhu so cute that little child... Erm.. how about if my life did not perfect like I want!! I know that nobody perfect.. but sometimes we must have a dream... huhu

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