Sunday, December 19, 2010

~♥♥ Week 2 (8-12 November 2010) ♥♥~

Posted by Ibu anak 3, Isteri Khairuddin at 7:14 AM

♥ Assalamualaikum...♥

Hype!! Long time no see, hehe (>_<)v... I'm busy right now. But today my story are continue from
week 1 about my internship story board.

Week two - To complete the portal of "Lost n Found" whereby the task that given to help my partner, Marzuqi Mohamad. For this assignment, I have to editing, sketching and designing the "Lost n Found" administration portal. For this task, my groups need to finish this portal in a short time because it must be published before 15 November 2010. When I do this task I feel like as a real programmer.. hehehe

Before this, I think edit something using the coding like PHP coding is so easy. But it's not easy as I thought. During my task, this is first time I feel so difficult and disappointed but at the same time I'm so thankful because my partner help me a lot. So, from this part I got more knowledge about using the PHP coding. At the same time I also know about how to using Xampp and FileZilla client.

After that, our CEO makes a meeting whereby in this meeting we discuss about

"KARIER" portal because they have some problem. In this meeting, we discuss

more about "KARIER" portal whereby this portal just have little bit visitor per day.

So, CEO want me and my friend get the solution and find what the problem causes

their portal or web do not have many visitor. At the same time, I got new task

which is how to settle this problem and give any idea to solve this problem.

Sometimes, I don't believe that they give me responsibility to do some research and need to

identify what's the problem they have. Huhu (@_@'). At the end, we know what the problem is.

Whereby it’s came from their own mistakes. The problem is, in the promotion, they do not use

the best material and the explanations about their portal are not clear.

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Sunday, December 19, 2010

~♥♥ Week 2 (8-12 November 2010) ♥♥~

♥ Assalamualaikum...♥

Hype!! Long time no see, hehe (>_<)v... I'm busy right now. But today my story are continue from
week 1 about my internship story board.

Week two - To complete the portal of "Lost n Found" whereby the task that given to help my partner, Marzuqi Mohamad. For this assignment, I have to editing, sketching and designing the "Lost n Found" administration portal. For this task, my groups need to finish this portal in a short time because it must be published before 15 November 2010. When I do this task I feel like as a real programmer.. hehehe

Before this, I think edit something using the coding like PHP coding is so easy. But it's not easy as I thought. During my task, this is first time I feel so difficult and disappointed but at the same time I'm so thankful because my partner help me a lot. So, from this part I got more knowledge about using the PHP coding. At the same time I also know about how to using Xampp and FileZilla client.

After that, our CEO makes a meeting whereby in this meeting we discuss about

"KARIER" portal because they have some problem. In this meeting, we discuss

more about "KARIER" portal whereby this portal just have little bit visitor per day.

So, CEO want me and my friend get the solution and find what the problem causes

their portal or web do not have many visitor. At the same time, I got new task

which is how to settle this problem and give any idea to solve this problem.

Sometimes, I don't believe that they give me responsibility to do some research and need to

identify what's the problem they have. Huhu (@_@'). At the end, we know what the problem is.

Whereby it’s came from their own mistakes. The problem is, in the promotion, they do not use

the best material and the explanations about their portal are not clear.

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